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gang up on是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gang up on

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网络释义:联合反对;联合起来对付某人;合伙整某人第三人称单数:gangs up on  现在分词:ganging up on  过去式:ganged up on  同义词

v.combine against,pick on,mob,surround,target



na.1.to join together in a group to hurt, frighten, or fight someone

1.联合反对 Warlike 好战的 Gang up on 联合反对 Bully 欺凌弱小 ...

2.联合起来对付某人 ... With flying colors-- 大获全胜 gang up on sth. 联合起来对付某人 Gild the lily.-- 多此一举 ...

3.合伙整某人 ... Gear up (飞机)起落架升起 Gang up on 合伙整某人 Fuck sth up 搞糟,破坏 ...

4.合伙对付 42. give someone a treat 款待某人 11. gang up on合伙对付…… 13. go in for… 从事…… ...

5.联合对付 ... (hold sth back 隐藏) (gang up on 联合对付) (see through 看穿 看透…

6.集体攻击 gain the most from 充分利用… gang up on 集体攻击 gaze at 盯着看 ...

7.合伙整治 29. grease the palms of… 贿赂…… 42. gang up on合伙整治…… 45. bone up on… 努力干 ...

8.联合起来欺侮 ... gang up against 联合起来欺侮,合伙对付 gang up on 联合起来欺侮,合伙对付 gang up with v. 与...联合行动 ...


1.Yeah. And a lot of we call treachery, you know, where one state would join with another state, and gang up on the third one. You know?对。而且有许多我们叫做密谋结党,就是一个国家和另一个国家勾结在一起,欺负第三个国家。你知道吗?

2.But why gang up on a guy who just wants to help clothe people in Africa?但是为什么要冲一个只是想帮助非洲人穿衣服的家伙开火呢?

3.Every year, all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool.每年,孩子们都对我群起而攻之,将我抛入游泳池。

4.Without death, the old folks would start to gang up on the babies (the new trials).没有死亡,老人们会在婴儿时期(即新的尝试)就开始朋比为奸。

5.In addition, they fostered an atmosphere where employees were expected to gang up on the person who was "it. "另外,他们还制造了一种让员工联合起来反对那人…的气氛。

6.They all gang up on me, it's been driving me crazy.他们都欺负我,都要让我发狂了

7.They should not gang up on agile like her.他们不应该一起欺负像她那样的女孩。

8.First sees everybody street corner to gang up on!头一回看见男女老少街头群殴!

9.And then there is the worry that all these systems will one day gang up on their creators, as in "The Matrix" .于是有了这样的担心:所有这些系统有一天会像《黑客帝国》里描述的那样,合伙造创建者的反。
